
A Comprehensive Guide: Bringing Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides



In the world of fantasy gaming, quests often revolve around intriguing characters and challenging objectives. One such quest involves assisting Blorbo the Shrewd in collecting 25 Hobgoblin Hides. This guide will take you through each step, providing essential tips, strategies, and insights to ensure you complete this quest with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, this guide is tailored to help you achieve success in your gaming adventure.

Finding Blorbo the Shrewd

Blorbo the Shrewd is not just another character in the game; he plays a crucial role in many players’ progression. To find him, start by heading to the bustling marketplace of Narfoll, where he is known to frequent. His distinct appearance—a short, stout figure with a keen eye for detail—makes him easy to spot among the crowds. Engage him in conversation to learn about the quest and how you can assist him in gathering the much-needed Hobgoblin Hides.

Understanding the Quest Requirements

Before you embark on this quest, it’s essential to fully understand what is required. Blorbo needs exactly 25 Hobgoblin Hides, no more, no less. These hides must be of high quality, meaning that only certain Hobgoblins will drop the required items. Ensure that your inventory has enough space to carry all 25 hides, as returning to Blorbo with fewer hides will result in a failed quest attempt.

Locating Hobgoblins: Best Spots

Hobgoblins can be elusive creatures, but knowing where to find them will make your task much easier. The dense forests of Grindlewood are teeming with these creatures, particularly during the evening hours. Another prime location is the dark caves of Marlock Pass, where Hobgoblins have been known to gather in large numbers. Be sure to explore these areas thoroughly, as the best hides are often found on the most challenging foes.

Essential Gear for Hobgoblin Hunts

To successfully hunt Hobgoblins, you must equip yourself with the right gear. A sturdy set of armor, resistant to the Hobgoblin’s sharp claws, is crucial. Additionally, a weapon with a high damage output will make short work of these creatures. Consider bringing along a few health potions, as Hobgoblins are known to fight fiercely when cornered. Lastly, a good pair of boots with silent steps can help you sneak up on them, giving you the element of surprise.

Combat Strategies Against Hobgoblins

Engaging in combat with Hobgoblins requires both skill and strategy. They are known for their pack mentality, often attacking in groups. To counter this, use area-of-effect spells or weapons that can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. Focus on taking out the weaker Hobgoblins first to reduce their numbers quickly. Keep moving to avoid being surrounded, and always watch for their tell-tale signs of an impending group attack. A well-timed dodge can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Efficiently Gathering Hobgoblin Hides

Once the Hobgoblins are defeated, it’s time to collect their hides. Use a skinning knife for a clean and efficient job. Quality matters, so inspect each hide carefully before adding it to your inventory. If a hide appears damaged, it might not be accepted by Blorbo, so be selective. To speed up the process, consider setting up camp near a known Hobgoblin area to avoid long trips back and forth.

Trading and Negotiation Tips

After collecting all 25 hides, it’s time to return to Blorbo. However, don’t just hand them over without negotiating. Blorbo, being the shrewd character he is, may try to offer you less than what the hides are worth. Stand firm and negotiate for better rewards, whether it’s in gold, rare items, or favor points. Demonstrating your value through successful completion of the quest can also open doors to future opportunities.

Maximizing Rewards from the Quest

While the primary reward for this quest is typically gold, there are ways to maximize your gains. Look for bonus objectives that may not be immediately obvious, such as delivering the hides within a certain timeframe or collecting an additional rare item. Completing these side objectives can result in higher rewards, such as rare gear or special abilities that will aid you in future quests.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Every quest comes with its challenges, and this one is no different. One common issue players face is the difficulty in locating enough Hobgoblins to collect all 25 hides. If this happens, try revisiting known Hobgoblin areas after a short time, as they may respawn. Another challenge is dealing with groups of Hobgoblins; if you find yourself overwhelmed, consider retreating and returning with better gear or additional allies.

Post-Quest Opportunities

Completing the quest to bring Blorbo the 25 Hobgoblin Hides opens up new opportunities in the game. Blorbo may offer you additional quests that are more challenging but come with greater rewards. Additionally, your reputation in the game world will likely increase, making NPCs more willing to offer you valuable information or trade goods. Keep an eye out for these opportunities to further enhance your character’s progression.


1. What level should I be to start this quest?
It’s recommended to be at least level 10 before attempting this quest to ensure you can handle the Hobgoblins.

2. Can I complete the quest with a group?
Yes, you can team up with other players to make the quest easier.

3. What happens if I collect more than 25 hides?
Blorbo will only accept 25 hides, so any extras can be sold or kept for future use.

4. Are there any shortcuts to finding Hobgoblins?
While there are no official shortcuts, exploring at night increases your chances of encountering Hobgoblins.

5. What should I do if I can’t find enough Hobgoblins?
Try revisiting areas where Hobgoblins are known to spawn or check different times of day.

6. Can I trade with Blorbo after completing the quest?
Yes, Blorbo often has valuable items for trade after you complete his quests.

7. What type of rewards can I expect?
Rewards typically include gold, rare items, and favor points that can be used in future quests.

8. How long does the quest take to complete?
The quest can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, depending on your level and efficiency.

9. Is there a time limit for the quest?
No, you can take as long as you need to complete the quest.

10. Can I repeat the quest?
Once completed, the quest cannot be repeated, but Blorbo may offer you new challenges.


Completing the quest to bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides is a rewarding experience that tests your skills as a player. From locating Blorbo and understanding the quest requirements to efficiently hunting and gathering Hobgoblin Hides, this guide has covered all the essential steps to ensure your success. By following the tips and strategies outlined, you’ll not only complete the quest but also maximize your rewards and open up new opportunities for your character in the game. The journey may be challenging, but the satisfaction of helping Blorbo and earning valuable rewards makes it all worthwhile. Happy hunting!

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